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Planning, Development, & Sustainability
  • Missoula County is working with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the state Department of Natural Resources and Conservation (DNRC) to update floodplain maps for the Clark Fork River, the Bitterroot River and Rock Creek. The new maps are intended to provide more reliable and detailed information about areas prone to flood hazards. Updated floodplain maps will depict the latest, most accurate flood risk data, and will eventually replace the existing floodplain maps, which are based on data from the 1970s. For more information, please visit the Missoula County Voice Site
  • This floodplain tool contains GIS information to help identify the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) designated 100-year floodplain in Missoula County outside of the Missoula City limits. For floodplain information within the City of Missoula, contact the City Floodplain Administrator at 552-6625.
  • This GIS information does not imply that the subject property will or will not be free from flooding or damage. A property not in a designated 100-year floodplain may be damaged by a flood greater than predicted by FEMA or from a local drainage problem not shown on the FEMA Floodplain Map. Reliance on this GIS information does not create liability on the part of Missoula County or any Office or employee thereof from any damage that results from reliance on this information.

    Amendments to the floodplain maps are approved by FEMA through the Letter of Map Change (LOMC) process. Properties with LOMCs remain subject to Missoula County Floodplain Regulations but are exempt from federal flood insurance requirements. Properties with LOMCs available from Missoula County may be selected in the tool.
  • Federal flood insurance may be required for improvements located in the designated floodplain. The lending institution is responsible for making that determination. Elevation Certificates may be used to determine the cost of flood insurance. Properties with elevation certificates available from Missoula County may be selected in the tool. If the subject property is located within the designated floodplain or a LOMC has been approved, a floodplain development permit may be required. Contact the County Floodplain Administrator at 258-4657 or by email at [email protected].
Moving Around
To move the map press and hold the left mouse button on top of the map to drag it in the desired direction. You can zoom in or out using your mouse center scroll wheel, or alternatively using the zoom in/zoom out buttons in the lower left corner of the map. Double-clicking the left mouse button will zoom into the map one step.

To search for an physical addresss, parcel number (geocode), enter it into the 'Find Address or Place' search box in the upper right corner of the map. Press the enter key to begin your search. You will see suggestions as you type your search terms. Click a suggestion to zoom to that property.

Additional Layers
You can change the layers shown in the map by opening the 'Layers' dialog. From here you can toggle the various layers such as Roads, Address Points and City/County boundaries. You can view the map layers legend by clicking the 'Legend' tool in the bottom left.

You can create a 8½ x 11 PDF (either portrait or landscape) of the map view by clicking the print icon in the upper right corner of the map. Choose your print options in the displayed dialog and click 'Print'...once the printing process completes you will see a link to open the new PDF.
Matt Heimel, Missoula County Floodplain Administrator. Phone: 258-4657. Email: [email protected].

While Missoula County has made all attempts to ensure the correctness and suitability of information under our control and to correct any problems or errors which have been brought to our attention, no representation or guarantee can be made as to the correctness or suitability of that information or any other linked information presented, referenced, or implied. No endorsement is intended or made of any hypertext link, product, service, or information either by its inclusion or exclusion from this system.

The information provided throughout this system is for reference only so anyone using this information should first consult original records and personally verify the accuracy of any and all information/data provided on this system .

For information security purposes, the computer systems that host Missoula County and other County websites employ software programs to monitor network traffic to identify unauthorized attempts to compromise its devices. These attempts to cause damage could be subject to legal action. This would include attempts by anyone to ‘mine’ or grab data from any of our web servers for personal use.

This mapping system is specifically designed to work with Google Chrome web browser.

This site is subject to changes/modifications without prior notification.

Please send and questions or comments to [email protected].
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